Coached By Harris
Coached By Harris
Episode 30: Too Much Damn Noise
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Episode 30 will help you...
- Reduce the "noise" in your life and pursue what matters
- Understand why (especially in this century) so many people struggle to find clarity
- Rid your life of what's not helping you
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Hey there. And welcome back to the co-chair show. Thank you so much for stopping by today. Today's topic is all about something that I think plays a huge role in the struggle that most of us face most of the time, right? When you look at something in your life, in your fitness, in your job, in your family life, that is a struggle, right? There's pain. There's resistance there, challenge there. I believe that a very big part of that comes from too much clutter, too much mess, too much noise. And it's even more apparent nowadays, right in the year we're in right now, 2021. We are absolutely bombarded by information by opinions, by feelings on all these different subjects. And it's no wonder why so many of us are constantly questioning ourselves, questioning our judgments, not believing in the things that we set out to commit to and so much more, right? So here's an analogy for you. If you're anything like me, if you have a messy room, right? There's everywhere. There's stuff on the, the counter, your bed isn't made. There's files all over the place. You don't feel good in some other areas, right? When my entire home, the place that I sleep, the place that I live is a mess. I feel like something is out of order. I feel disorganized. I feel like I'm always constantly thinking about this or that or the other thing, right? I need some sense of order to feel that clear direction in other areas. And this plays into our fitness, our life, our mental health, our physical health, all these things, right? We as people, I believe want something very simple, right? We want to be fulfilled. We want to feel a, what we're doing every day has purpose has direction is going to benefit us and our family and the people that we care about. Right. I think that's most of all of it. So when we are constantly scrolling and reading and listening and asking and taking in feedback from every single person, it's no wonder again, why it's hard to have that clear purpose, that clear direction, because you start in one place and then you get off course. And then you think, oh, you know what, maybe that's not right for me. Maybe this person is doing it this way. Maybe I should try this, or maybe I'm not good enough for that. Right. Or maybe I should try this workout and this workout and this workout, because these three Instagram pages, I follow tell me to do that, but it's too much. It's too much. Right. I get sick of it. Sometimes. Sometimes I, I declutter, I minimize, I subtract things from my life, from my mind, from my vision, right, from my phone, all of it. And in those moments, I feel my absolute best. That is when I feel the fulfilled. That is when I feel like I'm on the right track. That is when I feel like I have the most purpose. And like I'm doing the most productive things for the people that I care about, right. Starting with myself, and then the people from there that I care the most about. So the point of this episode today is to try to just bring light to that fact that a lot of our struggles, a lot of our indifference in confusion and lack of clarity, and a lot of things is very likely related to the constant noise, opinions, feelings, ideas from every single person around us. All right. So when, just like our bedroom, just like our home, we declutter, we minimize, we subtract, we clean things out and we pick a direction and we just start working on that. I believe things will get a lot better. And that's not to say that you shouldn't ever change your mind. You shouldn't ever take in ideas. Absolutely not. The biggest change over the past 10 years of my self education in fitness and in, in the mental space and all these things that I love so much comes from bringing in amazing ideas from people that I've done it before and who have been where I want to go. But it was not until I understood that the most important voice was my own. That I started to really get some traction when I was taking everybody else's opinion and thought as the most important over my own, I was completely senseless. I didn't know where to go. Right. And if you're struggling with that, if you feel like that resonates with you, then I'm telling you from experience, you can take in all the stuff you want to. That is fine, but you need to yourself the most, right? Because the more you trust yourself, the better the action that you take will be the more action you will take. Right? If you don't trust yourself, if you only trust other people or think that you trust other people, you're gonna feel lost. All right. So again, this pertains to fitness, it pertains to relationships. It pertains to business pertains to everything because all of this is together, right? None of it is by itself. Life works in many ways in all orders. Okay. So I hope you can take something good away from today's episode. I know is brief. If you have any questions wherever you're watching this or listening to it, please reach out to me. Thank you so much for stopping by. The final message is to bring cleanliness, organization, direction, clarity, whatever you want to call it to what you care about the most, pick one focus and go all in on that. All right. Have a good day.