Coached By Harris
Coached By Harris
Rarely Motivated to Exercise? Listen to This - 032
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You. And I both know that fitness, motivation or any motivation for that matter is not reliable. It's not a constant, and it's not something that we should count on in our everyday moment to moment lives. That being said, if we are never motivated to do the thing that we should do, there's a real problem there in today's. I'm gonna talk to you about why this is a problem, what it means and how to fix it and make the change that you want to make. Hello. Again, this is Harris Benjamin, and this is the coach by Harris podcast, where I share lessons learned from my online coaching business. I share what my students are working on, how their lives are changing as a result and give you some actionable insights that you can implement today. Okay. So motivation is a big, big buzzword in any industry in the fitness industry specifically, and now more than ever coaches like me, articles that you find online, any kind of resource is sharing with you. Why motivation is not something should rely on, right? You need discipline, you need habits, you need all of these foundational things. And that's true. That's a hundred percent true. And I make those, um, I, I discuss that side of things quite often, but today's different. I want to give you a different perspective that I think is going to give you a really hard push in the direction that you want to go into. Okay? Yes. Motivation is not a constant. You will not be motivated all the time, but if you are rarely motivated, if you're never motivated, there's a problem. Okay? It's not just about discipline. If you are never wanting to do this thing that you are pushing yourself to do in some way or another, you don't actually want that thing. I said it that's the truth. It's harsh, but it is 100% the truth. Okay. I look back into my early years, about 10 years ago, where I started weight weightlifting, get into fitness, trying to look and feel better and build consistency in that world. I absolutely was not motivated every single day. There were so many workouts where I pushed off into the late afternoon. I kept pushing back because I didn't feel like doing it. I made excuses to get outta them. That happened, right? That happened a lot. But on, in the grand scheme of things from, you know, week to week, months to month, even year to year, I was incredible motivated, right? Because I saw the change that I wanted to make. I saw the person I wanted to become. I wanted to be physically stronger, more capable, look, more athletic. I wanted to have more purpose, more drive, more, you know, just confidence in who I was as a person. And I wanted to use fitness and strength training as a vehicle to get there. So overall I was, you know, motivated. I was very motivated, not day to day, not hour to hour, not in the micro every moment, but overall, I was extremely motivated to get what I wanted and I got it right. I made the progress. It wasn't always clean. It wasn't always messy. I didn't have a coach for the first five years, which is a big reason why I coach now to help people, you know, maximize their time in that early process. But I got there. I made the improvements and I learned a lot. So the takeaway for you is to assess this self, this stuff, honestly, right? Again, in the micro, just as I, I ex I explained you're not going to be motivated every moment, but if you look over weeks and months, you should be able to say that you are very motivated to make the change that you are working towards, or that you want to work towards. And if you're not, if you really feel like almost every single day, every single week, us a super grind, and you are forcing yourself to do stuff all the time without, you know, with, with minimal desire, then you don't really want that thing. Or you haven't phrased the, the pursuits or the goal or the habit in a way that is interesting or exciting or worthwhile enough for you. You haven't gotten to a deep why. Okay. So what I want you to do right now, as soon as you can, is a takeaway from this episode is to make this assessment and then take one step forward, right? Ask yourself if on average, in the big scheme of your life right now with, let's say a specific fitness goal that you have, maybe it's a specific exercise. You want to be training more consistently. Maybe it's just overall workout consistency, you know, day to day. Maybe it's a body composition goal to get leaner, to gain muscle. Maybe it's a different habit in your work life or personal life that you want to build. Maybe it's a negative habit that you want to break, whatever it is assess. If you are overall all excited and motivated to get to this place and to work for it or not. If not, I urge you to rethink why you say you want this thing in the first place and come up with either a stronger, more emotional purpose, driven why, or create a different goal and a different path for yourself. If you, you want help, if you need help with this, if you feel stuck in cloudy and overwhelmed, and like, there's so many things going on that you just can't make the energy to do this. First of all, again, hard work rather success, you know, comes at a cost. And that cost is attention. It's focus is hard work it's sacrifices. Okay. Cliche. True. So again, if you are finding it difficult for yourself to take the time to even self-assess yourself and, you know, acknowledge what's going on, then I would question your desire to really improve in these areas. If you do really want these things, then you'll make the time. You'll give yourself an honest assessment and you'll take that one step forward. This is a short episode, but I wanted to share that idea once again, to wrap up, because, you know, we're told all the time motivation comes and goes, it sways. It's not reliable and that's true, but these conversations are referring to the day to day workout to workout, moment to moment piece of our lives. I'm talking in a bigger, more macro way, right? You need to be extremely motivated, extremely hungry to get the changes you want. Okay. So two things that I can help you with today, or as soon as you're ready to make these assessments to make these changes and to actually make accelerated progress towards what you want. One is free and it will always be free. That is my email list. My email newsletter, not only do I send my best content, my most curated content, my most consistent content via email. It is also a, a place where I happily accept replies. And I start questioning answers with people who are willing to engage. Okay. And then is exclusive to the email list. Or obviously my paying clients is my most highest priority. So if you wanna be on the email list, you can look somewhere in the link below and you will find an opt-in form where there, or at worst, you can email me. Harris coached by harris.com Harris coach by harris.com. Just letting me know that you would like to join. And I'll add you there as soon as possible. Okay? Number two is becoming a pain. Online client is the ultimate. This is the epitome of what I do and the best way that I can help you. Absolutely. It comes at a cost, both financial, both time and both focus, right? You're gonna need to focus. You're gonna need to put in the work and the time. And of course there is a real cost to it as with anything worthwhile, but that is the absolute best place to get help because everything is custom. Everything is one-on-one. Everything is meeting you where you are and taking you to where you want to go. If you want to know more about this, again, links blow to my website. You can learn more, but@theveryleastyoucanemailmeharriscoachbyharris.com, put coaching in the subject line. Let me know your questions. And I will say you all of the details and we'll set it up from there. All right. Thank you so much for listening. Please make this assessment go ahead and take some action today and I'll talk to you soon.